an illustration with a dentist meeting new patients

First Visit

An orthodontic check-up is recommended at all ages, for both adults and children. According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, the first orthodontic visit is indicated from the age of 3, when the deciduous dentition is complete. As a matter of fact, between 3 and 6 years of age situations that require a real intervention are rare. Pediatricians and Pedodontists (children's dentists) are well trained on defects that may require an early check-up and they are usually the ones to recommend an orthodontic visit.

5 Reasons why a 1-year-old should go to the dentist

Visits are free up to 4 years of age.

  1. HAVING THEIR OWN DENTAL HOME it is important to know who to call if your child has tooth-related pains or traumas, which is very common when a toddler starts walking or crawling.
  2. KNOWING A PAIN-FREE PATH it is important for a 1-year-old child to build a positive memory of their first experience at the dentist. We have all witnessed the cry of a baby at the sight of a white coat or the yelps of a dog who refuses to go to the vet: this happens when you have a memory of a first negative experience. Children come to us every 6 months to play for about 20 minutes in our play and drawing area and are visited only when they become "curious" to live this new experience or when they want to imitate their older brothers and sisters. Some children are ready at the age of 1, others at the age of 2-3. To each his own time!
  3. LEARNING GOOD AND BAD HABITS such as: at what age do you start brushing your teeth? Up to what age can you use a pacifier, a bottle, a sippy cup and get evidence based answers instead of expert opinions on Google?
  4. CHECK the correct number of teeth, the correct swallowing and the development of the dental arches
  5. RECOGNIZING EARLY SIGNS OF CAVITIES before they become unmanageable and you are forced to extract baby teeth
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Greta's Story and the 5 GOLDEN RULES

Greta came to us in her mom's tummy! In fact, her mother was aligning her teeth with Invisalign while she was pregnant. We taught her how to brush Greta's teeth from 6 months onwards . Greta's parents are both predisposed to cavities so it was very important to give her all the secrets to keep her baby's teeth from decaying. In fact, the first cause of cavities is DNA: just as we inherit blue eyes from our parents, we inherit cario-receptivity or cario-resistance. However, this is not an irrevocable condemnation! We can implement 5 strategies to protect ourselves from cavities.

  1. Brushing our teeth 3 times a day : It is crucial to brush your teeth effectively. In 2005, research from the Cochrane Library has established that the electric toothbrush (used with the correct technique) is more effective and efficient than the manual toothbrush. Adults can learn to properly brush their teeth with a traditional toothbrush, but children have not yet developed the manual skills to do it effectively.
  2. Only 5 meals and no nibbling : Every time we eat, even if it is just a tic-tac, our mouth produces a digestive acid which will attack our tooth polish. Our saliva takes 30 minutes to absorb all the acids and make our teeth safe again at a neutral ph.
  3. Fluoride mouthwash Fluoride and calcium are the natural elements that have received the most interest in scientific research (i.e. literature published on PubMed and Cochrane Library). These natural elements have the power to protect our teeth by strengthening their minerals and resisting the acid attacks that take place after a meal or a snack.  Calcium (Ca++) is present in dairy products and particularly in Parmesan cheese, while Fluorine (F-) is present in small quantities in the water we drink. At the age of 6, the first "adult teeth" appear and they don't completely mineralize until the age of 8: for this reason they easily demineralise and decay if children eat snacks several times a day. On the other hand, they can be strengthened if we ingest calcium and fluorine ... the real vitamins of our teeth! If you are interested, we advise you to consult the national guidelines at:
  4. Our parents are here to help us. Research has proven that the most determining factor in the fight against cavities is parental supervision and practical help. We have the same statistics on school performance: students being followed in their studies in the first 3 years of school will have a better academic performance in middle and high school.
  5. Professional fluoroprophylaxis every 6 months from 2-3 years of age and sealing of the permanent molars. Fluorine can be administered in a concentrated way through a fluoroprophylaxis session. What does the session consist of ? First of all, the teeth are cleaned very well with ultrasounds at low power, especially the interdental spaces which are impossible to reach with a simple toothbrush. When the teeth are perfectly clean, fluoride gel is applied painlessly. If the anatomy of the fissures is difficult to clean or if the child is prone to cavities, we also recommend sealing the fissures. The procedure is painless and it involves applying a white polish that prevents bacteria from entering the areas that are statistically more prone to cavities.

Health Insurance

In our practice, we provide dental and orthodontic treatment for children and adults from all socio-economic backgrounds. Above all, we believe that children have a right to dental care and that it should never be out of reach, which is why we strive to agree on a payment plan that's right for you. If you and your family do not have a dental health insurance, we will guide you in making the right treatment choices. 80% of cavities appear in the first 14 years of life: for this reason it is essential to keep children's mouth healthy and to teach them how to prevent cavities and periodontal diseases. Please find below the main insurances that we accept and for which we will fill out the forms.

FASDAC insurance
PHASES insurance
UNISALUTE insurance
UNIPOLSAI insurance
AXA insurance